When is the best time to get family photos done?

The short answer? ANY TIME!!!

The long answer? There are certain key moments that lend themselves to a celebratory photo session. Milestones like a new arrival, turning one, first lost tooth, matching a session you did with your first or second child, before the end of primary school, to celebrate an anniversary, braces come off, before they leave home… they’re all prime times to book a session. But so are non-milestone times in life when you feel like your family is super connected, the kids are getting along really well, you love summer (or any other season), you just feel it’s time… etc etc.

There’s really no such time that’s bad for photos. There are just times that might be more significant. But the reality is, once those photos are on the wall, THOSE moments become significant. Because you captured them. No matter whether it was a milestone, or the textbook perfect time, or anything like that. Those moments go down in history. Those moments form part of your children’s memory book for when they’re grown up.

Those moments. These moments. What do you want to remember?

Professional family photography by Heartstory

Professional family photography by Heartstory

Professional family photography by Heartstory

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