Dear Toby,
Today you turn six. I told you a while ago to stop growing up, and you said, ‘Mummy, birthdays happen. You just have to deal with it.’
A few things about you, aged six, that you might not remember when you’re a grown up, so I’m writing them down for posterity…
- You have three girlfriends.
- You are the worst joke teller ever.
- You’re amazingly good at maths and numbers and your second term Kindergarten report blew me away (yes, I cried, and you thought I was weird).
- You love sushi (and that includes roe), but you still refuse to eat pizza, even though it has three of your favourite things on it: cheese, tomato sauce and bread.
- You sleep a solid 12 hours every night, and it’s extremely hard to get you out of bed in the morning.
- You expect an immediate response to everything you say or you get very cross, but you’re incredibly good at ignoring me when I’m talking to you.
- You love colouring in, drawing abstract patterns, watching movies and TV (anything superhero related), playing WII, building lego and playing with your figurines, but most of all, you love socialising.
- You never stop talking.
- You’re the most diplomatic six year old I’ve ever met. And also the most argumentative.
- You’re always smiling or laughing. And if you’re not, you’re sulking or shouting.
I love your messy hair and your big personality. I love your singing and your crazy, creative dance moves. I love the way you incorporate every single new word you come across into conversation as soon as possible. I love how you love people and make friends so easily. I love how much you feel and how easily you express yourself.
You’re a funny, nutty, adorable little kid and I’m so, so proud to be your mummy.
Happy Birthday my gorgeous, sweet, precious little dude. I love you forever times infinity, with all three stars in a row, tonight and tomorrow and with all my guts.