Magpie season at Heartstory Photography

From swooping to shooting: our magpie muse

Magpie season isn’t something most people think is worth celebrating, but it gives us the perfect excuse to share a bit about how we run our business. Because as it happens, a magpie is now the centrepiece of our recent brand makeover.

“Why the magpie?” you might ask. Well, it wasn’t our initial plan, but it turned out to be a lucky coincidence that fits us perfectly.

A brand refresh is a revealing exercise. It requires you to think about your business values and articulate what you want to deliver, as well as what you want your clients to feel about your products and service.

When our designer Laura asked, “What drives our business and makes us unique?” our response was:

Unbeknown to Laura, magpies were my favourite bird, despite growing up being swooped by them like most Aussie kids. Their melodic warble always takes me back to childhood – it’s so nostalgic and comforting.

We love the playfulness and sociability of these community-oriented birds – qualities we strive to emulate in our business. They’re family-oriented,  mating  for life and fiercely protecting their young. They’re also inquisitive and incredibly intelligent. Sound familiar? That’s because we’re family-obsessed too, especially when it comes to preserving your family memories, and we’re always using our smarts to capture the perfect shot.

Fun fact

Magpies can recognise faces and remember them forever! That’s so cool, and it’s also the perfect tie-in to what we do as photographers. And like them, we love being amongst the trees – it’s our ‘happy place.’ Nature helps us feel calm and joyful, which is why we enjoy outdoor shoots. Canberra is also blessed with a seamless blend of nature and suburbs, and seasons that always provide stunning backdrops for us to work with.

Speaking of outdoor shoots, we regularly interact with a family of friendly magpies during sessions at the Pinnacle. They often join us and end up in shot, like the charming fellow below captured by Jeremy.

Magpie at the Pinnacles

Given that we’re in the thick of swooping season (July to November), we thought you’d appreciate these tips on dealing with territorial magpies:

The more adventurous however, might prefer conversing with the songbird, or strapping on some holographic anti-swooping tape!

While we can’t claim to match the magpie’s impressive vocal range (or swooping skills), we’re delighted that our new logo celebrates their playful spirit while representing our approach to business. So, if you’re ever looking for some fun, intelligent, and family-loving photographers to take your next portrait, get in touch with us. We’d love to help create some lasting memories for you and your loved ones.

Who knew magpies could be so on-brand! 🎵📸

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