Personal photobooks and albums

This year I’ve been on a mission to catch up on my personal family photos. I designed and printed 15 photobooks and albums between January and August. I am the family documentarian and memory keeper and it’s a responsibility I take very seriously. This is our family legacy!

Anyone who says or thinks that albums and books are dead is so very wrong. You don’t know the power until you put them in the hands of your children and watch the magic.

We’ve created a special (expandable) shelf in our living room to hold these treasures and we expect it to be very, very high by the time our youngest son August leaves home.

Honestly, there is no point “keeping” your memories on the cloud or a hard drive. There, they will never be appreciated and enjoyed in the way they deserve to be (and the way you NEED in your life).

But in a book? Oh yes. Books are a magical gateway to beautiful sensory memories.

Do you print photos or make books and albums? We do it all: family photography, wedding photography and so much more.

Katie xo

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